New job - Feb. 26, 2008

Finally the page works.

Quite a few things have happened since last post. For instance I have quit my job, changed ISP, and survived 14 days without Internet. My previous ISP was supplied by my old job. Because not even port 80 worked I change to another subscriber, now that i had to change subscription anyway. The days without Internet was horrible, as most probably could imagine. Now my ISP is Fullrate, and guess what? Now there is no trouble accessing port 80.

I have worked at my new job for almost a month, and so far it is great. Most importantly I am no longer forced to use Windows©®™, there is also a nice relaxed and creative atmosphere, good food, and friendly people.

So far my planes of using a web framework for this page has not been brought to life. But I have read the django tutorial and there is no doubt, that it is what's going to be used. At least it will give an advantage to the manual editing of .html files, as it is right now.

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